The Moral and Intellectual Elite Lie

Neither of our major political parties has a monopoly on lying, or on using information with the intent to deceive.  Both parties do it all the time.  When Republicans do so, however, they tend to pretend they did not, whereas Democrats often claim that there are larger issues at stake, and that the ends justify the means.  When Democrats make this claim, they are also claiming to be a ‘moral and intellectual elite,’ and by extension, claiming the moral authority to do whatever it takes to forward their agenda, truth be damned.

Thanks to WikiLeaks, we can read emails from the Democrat leadership making this exact claim (

Hillary Clinton’s claim to need two positions on every issue – one for the public and another for real – is also the claim that she is a member of the ‘moral and intellectual elite’.  She was saying that the public has no need to know what she is going to do, because she knows better than they do what she should do, and as such, she was claiming to be justified in telling the public whatever the public wanted to hear, even if that had nothing to do with what she really stood for.  She was claiming the moral right to lie about her political positions, based on the supposed stupidity of the people.  Hillary Clinton was very clear about this in her own emails (  Hillary Clinton believes that the American People are idiots, and that she, and those like her, are uniquely qualified to rule over us.

Before someone asks – no I am not going to point you at specific e-mails.  I want you to read as many of the DNC leadership’s e-mails, and as many of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails as possible.  The more you read what they have written, in their own words, the more you will see how accurate this article is.

The anti first amendment positions being taken in Canada, and across American college campuses, are claims of moral and intellectual superiority by those who think they have a right to decide what speech to ban, and when the left calls America ‘anti-intellectual’, what they really mean is that America clings to what they consider a ‘silly idea’:  that each individual person should be able to decide how they want to live their own lives.  Democrats believe, as did General Cornwallis during the American Revolution, that “the common man must at all times be controlled.”

Our country was founded on the notion that in a free marketplace of ideas, the best ideas make their way to the top.  The moral and intellectual elite believe in suppressing speech such that only their ideas can be discussed, creating a closed market in which those who disagree with them are either shamed, or even punished, into submission.

Much of what the moral and intellectual elite teach is demonstrably false.  They teach for example that we are the most racist nation on Earth (or at least one of the most racist).  Here is one of them making KKK hoods out of the American Flag as an art exhibit (  We are in fact one of the least racist nations on Earth, and arguably the least racist of all (

The moral and intellectual elite teach that all cultures are equal.  The truth is that culture matters.  Culture, in fact, matters a great deal.

The moral and intellectual elite teach that Republicans are the party of racism.  Indeed – they teach that Republicans run primarily on racism.  The truth is that, while there are undeniably racists in the Republican Party (as there are racists in any large and diverse group of people), racism is a far bigger problem in the Democrat Party, as you can see by reading about American Apartheid, or by reading about how the Democrat Party uses hate to forward its agenda (

Why does the moral and intellectual elite lie?  There are a number of reasons.  One is that they are such dogged ideologues that they surround themselves only with others who believe in the same things, and by stifling all other voices, they become guilty of group-think.  That happens on the right as well, but the right is more diverse in viewpoints, so group-think is less of a problem.  Once group-think sets in, it is not uncommon for people to believe their own lies.  The moral and intellectual elite do not fill engineering firms or the hard sciences (math is now considered racist as you can see at, but sociology departments and other humanities, where ‘peer review’ is nothing more than a popularity contest in which the most outlandish and least supportable views are considered the most heroic, and garnish the most attention (see the math is racism article again if you don’t believe me).  When people surround themselves only with others who believe the same things, and define ‘truth’ based solely on how far someone can separate themselves from factual reality, it is not surprising that perspectives are distorted and actual truths are turned on their heads.  The greatest country in history becomes the worst country in history.  Freedom becomes oppression.  Oppression becomes liberation.  Evil becomes good.

More than that though, the moral and intellectual elite have an agenda, and they have been working on it for almost 100 years.  It consists of two related pieces: postmodernism, and Cultural Marxism.

The greatest lie of all is the notion that postmodernism and Cultural Marxism either do not exist, or are just conspiracy theories spun by the political right.  Writers such as Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Erich Fromm have been writing Cultural Marxist books for almost 100 years.  The book ‘Prison Notebooks’, by Antonio Gramsci, spells out exactly what Cultural Marxism is.  You can read about it in Gramsci’s own words here: (  In a nutshell, Gramsci said that the Western World was far too rich to adopt collectivist values (the ‘workers of the world’ being unlikely to rise up and demand lower standards of living), and that Western Culture is far too individualistic to adopt collectivist rule.  His solution, which he spells out very clearly, was to destroy Western Society from within, by slicing it into ever smaller pieces, and teaching each piece that they are oppressed by the whole.

This kind of anti-patriotism, or self-nation-hate, found little traction in the United States until the Vietnam War.  Since, it has spread like wildfire.  Today, not only are ethnic minorities told they are oppressed by the majority white population (in spite of a mountain of evidence to the contrary), but women are told they are oppressed by men, non-Christians by Christians, gay people by straight people, trans people by cis-gendered people, fat people by healthy people (‘body shaming’ now being a thing), etc. etc. etc..  Everyone today is told they are either a victim, or the oppressor of victims.  If you are a victim, you are a hero.  If you are not a victim, the only way to avoid being evil is to join a victimized group.  Are you a straight, white, cis-gendered male?  Wear a dress, and suddenly you are a victim.  Problem solved.

Except that wearing a dress does not actually solve anything.  When one graduates college and applies for a job, their prospective employer is not going to say, “Oh – you are transgendered.  Let me hire you.”  Employers are, rather, going to look at what a person can do, and if someone has a degree in Transgendered Studies, they will have few skills to offer.  Each victimized group is victimized not by society at large, but by their own sense of victimization – taught, ironically, in universities that are supposed to prepare people for the workforce.

It should be obvious why the left uses our universities to teach people why they will not succeed in life, rather than to teach them how to succeed.  Not only does this indoctrinate each successive generation in the ideology of the left, but by denying them an actual education, and at the same time loading them down with debt, our universities prepare our children to be serfs, which is exactly what ‘we the people’ become under collectivist rule.

How long are we going to let our universities teach our children to fail rather than to succeed?  ‘We the People’ were upset enough to elect Donald Trump, but one need only browse Facebook to see how despised Trump is on the left and in the media.  I find myself sometimes being harder on Trump, perhaps, than I should be, and I go out of my way to be fair.  If the constant hate being spewed by the left and in the mainstream media impacts my judgment at times, how might it affect the judgment of people who believe the media to be balanced?

Our nation is entering a very dark place, and the only way out is to get the left to stop teaching hate.

To be fair, the political right sometimes preaches hate too.  The difference is that those who do so on the right don’t claim moral superiority while they preach hate.  The sense of a moral and intellectual elite, imbued by some cosmic force (other than God – whom, by and large, they do not believe in) with the right to rule others, is purely a leftist concept, and one that must be stopped.

It is not enough just to read this article, and perhaps some of the articles linked in it, to become more knowledgeable about what is happening in our nation.  We were meant to be an exceptional nation, but to achieve American Exceptionalism we have to spread the word.  We have to share the truth far and wide, and fight the hatred of the left with truth and compassion.