I’m going to open this column with a controversial statement. I believe most readers will initially laugh at the obvious absurdity of it, and then, as you go through the rest of the article, I believe you will not only agree with me, but will shudder at the implications of it all. The controversial statement? Hillary Clinton is the most influential figure on the political left, over the past 50 years.
Give yourself a second to laugh before I show you just how accurate a statement this is…
Hillary Clinton’s relationship with Saul Alinsky is well documented. She called him her mentor, wrote gushing letters to him, and wrote her thesis on his methodology. What most people overlook is that she told him that her life’s ambition was to take Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and rather than using them from outside government to attack the country from without, she planned to embed herself deep within government, using Rules for Radicals from within, both to sow seeds of division among the people, and also to turn American institutions against one another, until the power of government would rip our nation apart.
Like a rotting tree, we would appear strong right up until the moment we break.
Hillary Clinton’s intelligence is often overshadowed by her ego, and well it should be. I truly believe that Hillary Clinton sees herself as the most intelligent and most morally pure person on the face of the Earth. That’s ego. But she is also very intelligent.
Hillary Rodham had the self-awareness, as a college student, to understand that she had the charisma of a broken lawn mower grinding over the public’s feet. As such, she tied herself to the most charismatic person she knew – Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton is kind of the antithesis of Hillary. Hillary Clinton is motivated by a very deeply set and specific political ideology, whereas her husband’s only ideology is that of the relationship between power and skirts. Bill Clinton had no real political agenda (beyond using political power as an aphrodisiac to get ladies), so Hillary Clinton married him, and threw herself behind his political career.
Ironically, Bill Clinton was, looking back, arguably the best Republican President since Ronald Reagan. He declared that ‘the era of large government is over,’ and in many respects he carried Ronald Reagan’s economy forward. Bill Clinton did some things that were progressive, such as having the Federal Reserve manipulate banking to separate the ability to pay for a house from the ability to buy one (leading to the crash of 2008), but he also did a lot of things, economically speaking at least, that were very conservative.
I contrast this with, say, Donald Trump, who, conservative as he was in some ways, was no fiscal conservative, and who was, overall, somewhere to the left of Bill Clinton.
Saying that Donald Trump was to the left of Bill Clinton might be controversial today, but remember that the political left has moved much farther left over the past 30 years. Donald Trump’s coalition included a lot of people who 30 years ago would have been Democrats. I dare say that if Bill Clinton ran on his 1992 platform today, he’d be a Republican.
It is interesting that Hillary Clinton’s husband ran the country as a very conservative Democrat, when Hillary Clinton is a Saul Alinsky apostle. One would think she would have pushed her husband further left. My guess on why she did not do so is two-fold: 1) I think she recognized that the country was not ready for it, and she wisely put her husband’s fame and his political success ahead of her agenda, and 2) I think it was important to her that she get credit, meaning that she wanted to be the one to implement her plans.
Anyway.. Hillary Clinton rode her husband’s charisma to fame, and after her husband’s eight years as President, she began her own political career, first in the Senate, and then with two failed Presidential runs, in 2008, and 2016.
Once again, her shortcoming was her ego.
In 2008, she ran against another Saul Alinsky follower in Barrack Obama, and the Democratic Party just plain turned on her. This was probably based on Obama having charisma, whereas Hillary Clinton even rubs her own supporters like a coarse-cut cheese grater.
What did Obama do as President? He started to implement Saul Alinski’s Rules for Radicals from within government, both to sow the seeds of division within the people, and also to turn American institutions against one another, using the power of government to destroy our nation from within.
Yes – It was Barrack Obama who actually got to turn the country against itself, using the power of the Executive Branch to implement Saul Alinski’s Rules for Radicals from within, but where did Obama get the idea for doing so?
I’m guessing Barrack Obama read Hillary Clinton’s dissertation.
After Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton wanted to run against the most unelectable Republican out there, and the media did what it could to help Donald Trump win the Republican Primary, before then taking a full-court-press against him in the General Election. Without the press working with Hillary Clinton, perhaps Ted Cruz would have become President. We shall never know. What we do know is that both Hillary Clinton, and the media, underestimated just how unelectable Hillary Clinton would prove to be.
In retrospect, Hillary Clinton was never going to be President. She was just too unlikeable of a person. But her desire to use the power of government, and particularly of the Executive Branch, to destroy the country from within, using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, proved to be the basis of Barrack Obama’s Presidency, and now whomever is managing Joe Biden is going all-in on the same thing.
In a speech Hillary Clinton gave to the partners of Goldman Sachs, a manuscript of which was leaked to the public, Hillary Clinton told Goldman Sachs not to pay any attention to her public political platform. Her public platform was just to get her elected, she said – it had nothing to do with what she planned to do, once elected. Once elected, she told Goldman Sachs, she planned to put together a ruling body, consisting of Big Business, Big Tech, the Big Banks, and government. This coalition would then collectively run the country and it’s economy, with her at the head. The media would act as this ruling coalition’s mouthpiece.
We have witnessed the unification of Big Business, Big Tech, the Big Banks, and a left-controlled government. This is Hillary Clinton’s vision to a tee. With the help of our media, which is the mouthpiece of this ruling coalition, we are witnessing the systemic dismantling of our nation, with our government institutions being turned against one another from within. Everything Hillary Rodham (now Clinton) told Saul Alinsky she would do some 50 years ago – it is all coming true right before our eyes.
Everything we are seeing today, from the BLM/ANTIFA riots, to climate change alarmism, to the false narratives about gun violence and police brutality – understand that much of this is being driven by Democratic Senators and Representatives, as well as Biden Administration members, who are using our government institutions, in coordination with Big Tech, Big Business, the big banks, and the media, all to destroy our nation from within.
Who do we elect into office, and who do they in turn place into government service? People who tell us all of the innumerable ways in which they have been oppressed by our society. Victimhood has become the most potent of political capital, and it should come as no surprise that when you take people who see themselves as victims of society, and you then put them in charge of society, they look for revenge rather than looking for solutions to societal problems. We heard Maxine Waters’ solution just the other day – her message to the American people is to burn the country to the ground. We heard Chris Cuomo’s solution just the other day as well – he said that we will start to see reform once white children are the ones being killed.
The fact that Hillary Clinton is watching from the sidelines, writing stupid books that blame her own voters for her losing the 2016 election, is irrelevant. This is still her America.
Hillary Clinton may not be the implementer of her vision, but she was the architect. And this is why Hillary Clinton is the most influential figure from the political left, over the last 50 years.
50 years from now, after the United States has been a single-party fascist oligarchy for long enough that people begin writing openly about it, historians will remember that Hillary Clinton was the person most responsible for the end of the American Republic, next to Saul Alinsky himself.