Rashida Tlaib was sworn into Congress on January 3, 2018. Her first official act was to walk onto the floor of Congress, saying, about our President, “We’re going to impeach the mother f-er!” – a slogan she now sells on T-Shirts.

She is also a member of the Justice Democrats – a radical political group whose goal is to infiltrate and devour the Democratic Party. You can read more about them here.
And who founded the Justice Democrats? Cenk Uyger, founder of ‘The Young Turks,’ which is a YouTube channel named after the Armenian Genocide.
Looking at Rashida Tlaib’s website, it is hard to determine what, exactly, it is that she stands for, other than impeaching the President. Her website lists the BOOST Act, Environmental Justice, Equity, and Small Business as the only issues she cares about, but on all of these issues, all she says is to contact her office for more information.
We do know a little about Rashida Tlaib, from political speeches and interviews she has given:
- Rashida Tlaib supports a one-state solution for Israel, in which Palestinians would have the majority, and the Jewish state of Israel would no longer exist. Tlaib is against giving any aid to what she calls ‘Netanyahu Israel’, and is in favor of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel – a movement many view as blatantly anti-Semitic.
- Israel considers Tlaib to be anti-Semitic, and has gone so far as to ban her from the country.
- Rashida Tlaib has advocated for the abolishment of the Immigration Customs Enforcement Agency.
- Rashida Tlaib is currently under investigation for using congressional campaign funds for personal expenses, in violation of House rules.
Basically, in spite of Rashida Tlaib’s website being mum on her political positions, we know that she is a corrupt anti-Semite, who is against any form of border security, and who hates the President. And that is all we know about her, personally.
Luckily for the American taxpayer, we do not need to know Rashida Tlaib, personally, as she is but a paid actress, who was hired to run for Congress, by the Justice Democrats. She has pledged herself to support their platform, so we can gauge her political views based on theirs.
My source, incidentally, is the Justice Democrats’ own website…
The Justice Democrats say they are for racial justice, but their website makes it crystal clear that their version of ‘justice’ is based, not on equality under the law, but on equity of outcome. Rather than trying to build a country where we are all Americans, and where people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, Justice Democrats want a country where identity group affiliations, driven by such things as ethnicity, are the only things that matter.
Here is how Justice Democrats defines ‘Fighting for Racial Justice’, again – from their own website: “we will continue to advocate and push for justice, equity, and equality in all manner and forms, and will sponsor and vote on legislation to secure the same. We support a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the generational harms caused by slavery and Jim Crow and propose remedies.”
Note the use of the word ‘equity’ with the phrase ‘in all manner and forms.’ Note too that ‘truth and reconciliation’ of ‘generational harms’ means never-ending reparations, based on anything but actual truth. The Justice Democrats promise to seize all economic output, and to redistribute it, with the twin goals of ‘equity in all manners and forms,’ and ‘reconciliation <for> generational harms’ along ethnic lines.
If you want a balkanized state where all groups vie for political power, to steal from other groups, the Justice Democrats are for you. If, on the other hand, you want something resembling ‘E Plurbis Unim’ (our national motto – ‘out of many, one’), the Justice Democrats are your mortal enemy.
The Justice Democrats demand complete adherence to the Green New Deal, which runs with a price tag of at least $9.3 trillion a year. That’s half our total economy. Never mind that a reading of the Green New Deal sounds eerily similar to a reading of the Communist Manifesto – even if we ignore that, think for just a moment of the impact of spending literally half of our total economic output, with the goal of making energy unaffordable. Does that sound like good policy?
Even if we accept the Justice Democrats ridiculous contention that we will all die in ten years, unless we give someone like Cenk Uyger complete control over every aspect of our lives, it is not a foregone conclusion that living under their vision of paradise would be preferable (and particularly when Cenk Uyger names his show after a genocidal group). Whatever money you don’t spend in taxes will have to go toward rebuilding your house, as the Green New Deal calls for either a complete retrofit, or a complete rebuild, of every single building in the country. Airplanes? Banned. The Green New Deal would even ban the hamburger, on the grounds that cows fart.
One thing the Justice Democrats don’t seem to understand, or to have any gratitude for, is the fact that we live in a world where life has the opportunity to be something other than brutal and short, only because of the efforts of the people who lived before us. While it is true that world history includes a great deal of oppression (and American history is no exception), it is also true that world history, and particularly American history, includes all human progress ever achieved.
The only reason our lives are as good as they are today is because of the ‘generational harm’ we call ‘cheap and reliable energy’. We’ve gotten better at creating energy over time, making it both more affordable, as well as less harmful on the environment. The notion that we will make the world a better place by eliminating the very progress that has created a modicum of comfort – that’s absurd. And the lack of generational gratitude Rashida Tlaib, and the other Justice Democrats show, is breathtaking.
The truth is that the cleanest nations on Earth are also the most wealthy, and when you see oceans of plastics choking out the environment, that’s not caused by straws in California, but by plastics in poor nations. If we want to improve the world, we have to improve the lives of the people living in those countries.

The ability to even worry about a clean environment is a privilege of the rich, and if we want other countries to join us in building a better world, we need to help them develop cheap, plentiful energy, by doing exactly the opposite of what programs like the Green New Deal, that Rashida Tlaib supports, call for. For that matter, if we want to have prosperity without war, we need to do the exact opposite of the balkanization of the public Rashida Tlaib and the Justice Democrats call for.
The Justice Democrats are a radical, anti-Constitutional, parasitic political party, that wants to devour, first the Democratic Party, and then our nation, replacing our relative prosperity with a re-dedication to poverty, and a balkanization of the public. We must recognize this party for what it is, and we must act accordingly. No person with any affiliation to the Justice Democrats should ever hold political office, and those currently in office must be removed come 2020 – starting with Michigan’s own Rashida Tlaib.
Luckily for us, Rashida Tlaib has a serious political challenger in Al Lemmo. Look Mr. Lemmo up, and if you are in his district, make sure you vote for him. You can also donate to his campaign here, even if you do not live in Michigan’s 13th Congressional District, and if you want Rashida Tlaib out of office, I urge that you do donate.
Do not forget that AOc is also a progeny of the same group with virtually complete control over her finances and positions. Rather than wasting energy dismembering their positions, it is critical to investigate and unmask the forces behind these two. A project requiring the skills and dedication of ProjectVeritas and the like. The founder of the group is also on the ballot for Congress whereas the eminence grise is still in the shadows.
Michael – That is a great point. It is important to get all of the Justice Democrats out of office!